The case of the troubled treasure, (real name TBD)

Published on 20 August 2020 at 00:00

Also known as our first case without Cassidy Case. She will be missed. Well, not so much by the people she kept accusing of crimes, but by the rest of us. Now that she is off to college it's time for the new group to take over.

Of Course, some of us finally got to go to Lucy's Park; Dry Tortuga's National Park. Of Course there was a Mystery involving Pirates, Pirate Treasure, and all kinds of adventure. And of course I couldn't go. I was helping move Everglade's most recent residents into their new home. Bethany and Eric Caulfield have joined me here in the land of swamps and mosquitos. Ric  seems happy about the move, although my dad put him to work on the first day, but Bethany won't stop complaining about the heat! I had to drag her out to Royal Palm Island to see some alligators first hand. The only thing that got her moving quickly was when we had to run away from a swarm of mosquitos.

Enough about us. This wasn't our mystery!

This was a Justin, Lucy, and Rudy spectacular! Although from what I hear they had some help. Cassidy and Miguel might claim to be too grown up for mysteries, but we know the truth! I wasn't there, so I don't have all the information, but I was on the phone with them the other night and it sounded crazy! That might just be because Rudy did all of the talking. Lucy kept rolling her eyes, and Justin kept correcting him, but I swear Rudy can go on forever when he's interested in something. 

Rudy kept saying things like he was right all along, and talking about millions of dollars, the history of a lost treasure fleet and a bunch of troublesome college students.  The students belonged to Lucy's mom, of course, who managed to convince the university to fund an expedition in her families back yard. Although from what I hear she might want to disown a few of them now.

I got lost when he started talking about some pirate names Caesar. I swear I've heard that name before, but cant remember where. Anyway, I should know more soon, Bethany and I are meeting up with the rest of the gang in Biscayne soon. I hope we'll be able to find some sort of mystery there!


Fun fact:

I couldn't decide upon the fun fact of the mission so I'll leave you with two.

The entrance to a fort is called a Sally Port! Wait till our friend Sally hears about that! (we haven't had a case with her for a while. I hope that changes soon!

Apparently you can us cannon to talk about multiple cannon, like I aimed two cannon at the ship, but Rudy forgot to load them so they didn't fire. Who knew! When I wrote about it in our case files, spell check kept trying to correct me, but Justin wouldn't let me do it the other way. He said cannons sounded weird.

What do you think? Cannon or Cannons

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